

I know that one day my daughter will have to deal with boys on her own. I finally owned up and really admitted that I liked her boyfriend. He was good for her, actually they were good for each other. Much in common. I realized that when I was her age, I was dating...rebelling...picking boys that I definitely would not want my daughter to be hanging out with. I always had a streak for the really bad boys. And I guess my innocent self always got the extremes. I know that she is very different than me, hopefully she won't make the same decisions I did. Sometimes I wish she would get back together with her ex-boyfriend and I wouldn't have to worry about her so much.

I guess I need to just deal with life. It isn't always what we expected.

out and about...

Today, I was out and about. My daughter and I went out to meet up with her friends and their families. My daughter passed out. I'm tired, but I'm still up, trying to get un-tense. I did some walking, well maybe a lot of walking.

I just took benadryl and had lots and lots of salad. What if I am allergic to salad? It could be my salad dressing?? I don't understand why it is so hard for me just to eat?

Tomorrow is Boulder Boulder. Thousands of people from everywhere come to participate in such an activity. It was very crowded. This was the first time I didn't take xanex to deal with the masses of people. I think that's an improvement.

Thank you for a good day :)