
All About Me

That was the title of the email letter that I had sent to all of my family and friends. I received so many responses, but from my friends. My family has failed to even acknowledge such a letter even went out. Only my daughter, husband & uncle have responded. I am half Filipino and half Chinese, so I have a HUGE family. For them to totally ignore the fact that I poured myself out, is disappointing. My friends were sincere, considerate & encouraging. Some of the responses were so had said that I had broke their hearts in so many ways. I never thought that would be feedback that I would be receiving, but hey, what do I know anyway?

I just got back from seeing a surgeon in Boulder. We've (he) decided to not go with the surgery considering the condition of my body right now. I have been given [yet another] medication to try for three to six weeks to see if it helps.

I finally talked to my best friend in Saipan yesterday. She was worried about her sister in California because they had to do an emergency c-section and accidently cut her bladder! OMG! But that's a big mistake. The baby was okay, but her sister continued to be in surgery most of the afternoon. I hope she comes out okay.

Today, we are having our house appraised [cross our fingers] to see if we can allievate some financial strain. I know it is a bad time, especially because the market is way down. But we need to do something. Plus, my doctor's appointments are taking up most of my work days...which [hopefully] isn't a problem. We really need this to happen because everything has been going BAD for us, we are just hoping for good thoughts our way.

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